Latest News from Father’s House.

News from Father's House

This news is sent out every Friday by email - if you would like to be added to the list please get in touch with Caroline at

Sunday 19th January: We will be worshipping together from 10.30am. We are hosting the CTS United Service and we will be welcoming worshippers for all the other congregations in Shaftesbury.

We live stream the meetings on Sunday mornings as we have come to realise how helpful doing this can be for those who cannot manage to get to Father’s House. Check out the Father’s House, Shaftesbury YouTube channel here

We are aware that some people may not be comfortable to be on camera. Please be assured that the cameras will be pointed towards the front, so will be on the worship team and those who speak or share during the meeting. There is no plan to film the congregation, so please do not feel inhibited as you worship God and enjoy His presence. If you want to be sure that you do appear on camera please avaoisd the first 2 rows in each block of chairs.

We also live-stream the meeting on to a TV screen in the Dining room. This is for the benefit of any parents with babies and toddlers who may want to use this space and the toys provided. Although there is no pressure on parents to do this!

For more information on live streaming at Father’s House, Shaftesbury please read our policy link here

Little Acorns Preschool runs everyday during term time on the Father's House site. Their phone number is 01747 853715 or you can find more information about them here

Open House drop in operates every Tuesday between 10am - 2pm at Father’s House. This includes Store House and Open Fridge. Phone number is 01747 852994 and you can find out more from their Facebook page here

Lighthouse Youth every Tuesday, 3.30 - 5.30pm. After school drop in youth club for ages 10 - 16. A safe place for kids to come and hang out after school.

Daytimers meeting every Wednesday at 10.30am. In person at Father's House, for more information contact us.

Communion every Wednesday evening from 6pm, in the Prayer room. An opportunity to take communion and minister to one another

Global Café: every Thursday 10am - 12noon at Father's House. Run by Iris Philips.

Youth on Thursday evenings, 7 - 10pm, at Lox Lane. For young people Year 7 and above. For more information chat to Steve & Rachel Scott.

Little Monkeys Toddler Group runs on a Friday, 9.30 - 11.30am at Father’s House. For more information chat to Carolyn Powell or Pip Stephens.

Father's House office is usually open Monday - Friday from 9.30am - 2pm. Please ring in advance if you are hoping to see one of the team - just to check we are in/available (01747 854993).