Welcome to Father’s House.

Thinking of visiting us at Father’s House? Check out our ‘Sundays’ page for what to expect.

“My Father’s House will be called a house of prayer for all nations.”

Isaiah 56:7

Shrove Tuesday quiz

Churches Together in Shaftesbury invite you a quiz.
Hosted by Father’s House on Tuesday 4th March at 7.30pm.

Cost £5 per person, with profit going to Open House.

Come as a team of 6, or you are welcome to come and make up a
team on the evening.

Encounter weekends 2025

Encounter weekends were developed to minister healing and freedom to hearts and provide an atmosphere where people can encounter God’s love and be filled with the Holy Spirit.

For more information or for details of how to book click here

Lighthouse Youth: Tuesdays 3.30 - 5.30pm

After School drop in youth club for ages 10 - 16. Runs in term time at Father’s House.
Tuck shop, crafts, games, pool table, air hockey.
A safe place for kids to come hang out after school.

Run by Dan & Millie Bajorat.

Little Acorns Pre-school

Little Acorns Pre-School has been registered since 2000 and operates from Father’s House Shaftesbury. The pre-school is run by the trustees of the Father’s House Shaftesbury and provides care for up to 26 children per session, from age two years nine months to the end of the early years age group. It has been rated as ‘good’ by Ofsted. For more information click here

World Day of Prayer, Friday 7th March 2025

Service 11am at Bell Street United Church

Theme: I made you wonderful (Psalm 139:14)
The 2025 WDP program from the Cook Islands invites us into the knowledge that each one of us was made with care and love by God. When we can receive this profound truth, everything in our life changes and we begin to radiate and shine from within. We also learn how to treat every other person as made wonderful by God. ​

Open House

Open House is a community drop-in service offering Emergency food aid, Benefit support, Housing support, Budgeting and Furniture aid. It runs every Tuesday 10am - 2pm, with a friendly free coffee bar. Open House operates from the Father’s House building, but as a separate charity it draws on volunteers from all the churches in Shaftesbury. Open House also includes ‘Store House’ and ‘Open Fridge’. More details can be found on their website here

01747 852994 or nikki.hall@openhouseshaftesbury.co.uk


Who are Father’s House Shaftesbury?

We are worshipping community of believers, actively seeking the presence of God. Our core values, and our vision is to see people released into all that God has called and created them to be.

The origins of Father’s House Shaftesbury church began in the mid 70’s when people from many different backgrounds, looking for a richer, deeper experience of God, found each other and began to seek together. We were not disappointed, and as a consequence more and more people came to know God as a caring and loving Father, and Jesus as the way to Him. We also experienced the baptism in the Holy Spirit…


Father’s House Weekly Devotionals

No devotion

Monday 17th February

Helen Baddeley

Wednesday 19th February

Andrew Baddeley

Friday 21st February


Can’t make it to our Sunday Morning service?
Visit our YouTube channel instead.